College Admissions Consulting

Getting into the best possible colleges is the most exciting — and the most important — challenge facing young men and women in high school today. At ACollege4U, we help you do it!

Our work often begins with helping you discover the colleges where you will be the happiest and most successful. We’ll help you prioritize your criteria for college selection, including size, location, majors, cost, and distance from home.

Then we’ll guide you every step along the way. Our comprehensive college admissions counseling services include:

  • Building your college admissions resume
  • Choosing the right classes & earning good grades
  • Planning for the College Boards
  • Visiting college campuses
  • Getting involved in extra-curricular activities, sports, and community service
  • Meeting with college representatives
  • Requesting letters of recommendation
  • Writing college essays
  • Choosing among early action, early decision, regular admissions, and rolling admissions
  • Preparing for college interviews
  • Estimating possible financial aid
  • More!

At ACollege4U, we have more than 10 years experience helping hundreds of students get into their best possible colleges.

A college education is one of the most important investments you can make in your future. Let us help you make the best one for you! To get started, call Jen Cipollone at 610-304-5442.